Day 8
25.06.2018 - 25.06.2018
[PC:Silvan Yang]
Me and my Meds
Playing cards with high stakes of different free packets that we.... acquired....
1- salt and pepper packets
5- ketchup and Tabasco sauce
25- tea and jam
Posted by Elijah Shulman 14:56
For Elijah's Senior project at Northwest Academy he is riding 12 of Oregon's 16 Scenic Bikeways
25.06.2018 - 25.06.2018
[PC:Silvan Yang]
Me and my Meds
Playing cards with high stakes of different free packets that we.... acquired....
1- salt and pepper packets
5- ketchup and Tabasco sauce
25- tea and jam
Posted by Elijah Shulman 14:56
I'm gonna cancel my subscription to the NY Times and just read your blog. Ride on, fellas. Love you both!
by Mia
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toblerone should be worth 100....if there's any left.
by stanshu