DAY 10
27.03.2018 - 27.03.2018
I’m bad at sunscreen...
The struggle of self timer photos...
After some unplanned mud/gravel riding.
Posted by Elijah Shulman 20:43
For Elijah's Senior project at Northwest Academy he is riding 12 of Oregon's 16 Scenic Bikeways
27.03.2018 - 27.03.2018
I’m bad at sunscreen...
The struggle of self timer photos...
After some unplanned mud/gravel riding.
Posted by Elijah Shulman 20:43
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Hey, by the way, in case anyone's wondering where Elijah got the strength, endurance, and mindset to do something like this, you should know that I also went on a bike ride the other day. I didn't measure the distance, but probably almost a mile round-trip, so, yeah . . .
by Joshuash